Meet Lora

“Proud to be a work in progress”

My dream has always been to open my own business. At the ripe young age of 53 I have done just that. With my two teenagers starting to find their own paths in the world, my moment arrived to focus on what I feel genuine passion for...laser skincare. I dabbled with laser treatments with my dermatologist but was told there were limitations. (You mean I can remove the age spots on my face, but not my hands?!) I found a way around these limitations…and Lumina Skin was born. The machines I have invested in are truly curated to range from the delicious to the intense, all with real data, science and proven results. My goal is to live lightly and embrace who I am and how I look. It's about time. Laser treatments have helped me do that. My skin is changed...and still changing! But it’s also changed me in more important ways, on the inside. And I feel it's healthy to build my own collagen, to use my natural resources!

Meet Maria

“Where safety, expertise and results drive decision-making”

Maria Barry is a Licensed Medical Aesthetician and Certified Cosmetic Laser Technician who leads the team of expert providers at Lumina Skin. She is licensed in both New York and Florida and received her training at the prestigious Christine Valmy International School in New York City. She is also certified by the International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC), which has allowed her to work internationally. She has worked in Europe and Asia, and lived and worked in Hong Kong as a clinical skin advisor in the medical skin care field.
Prior to joining Lumina Skin, Maria worked at prominent dermatology and plastic surgery practices in NYC and Florida where she held dual roles as a medical aesthetician and medical assistant. Maria is highly skilled in skin care treatments including laser skin rejuvenation, IPL, skin tightening, micro-needling with Radio Frequency and TED hair restoration , as well as medical grade chemical peels, facials, and body contouring treatments. She will customize skin care treatments based on her client’s individual needs. Maria also specializes in corrective skin care for acne-prone skin, pigmentation abnormalities and evening out skin tone and texture, and she loves to educate her clients on how to properly care for their skin to maintain the benefits from their skin care treatments.
Maria has a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance and spent more than ten years working for J.P. Morgan in international business; however, her real passion is skin care, and she is happy to practice it in New York City, helping her clients look and feel their best.

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